Intensive General English Full Time Course (CRICOS CODE: 0100568)

The Language Academy


Темы курса

Восприятие на слух, речь, произношение, чтение, письменная речь, языковой запас, грамматика и внеклассный досуг


Длительность курса
1-52 недели
Даты начала курсов
Каждый понедельник
Уроков в неделю
20 lessons per week (каждый урок по 60 минут)
Дни занятий
понедельник - четверг
Школа закрыта
16 дек 2024 - 03 янв 2025

The Language Academy закрыта и уроки не проводятся по датам, указанным выше. Школа не компенсирует дни обучения, выпавшие на праздники, так что постарайтесь учесть это при планировании своего курса.

Время занятий

You can choose from the following class times:

утренние уроки
08:00 - 13:30
вечерние уроки
17:00 - 21:15

Расписание может меняться в зависимости от времени года и наполненности класов.


Intensive General English Full Time Course (CRICOS CODE: 0100568)

This course is available to ALL VISAS

Our Intensive General English course is designed for non-native English speakers who want to improve their English skills.

We deliver classes that focus on listening, reading, writing, speaking, grammar and vocabulary, while also adding a unique cultural element to maximise your learning experience in Australia.

Course Description:

Course length: 1 to 72 weeks

CEFR Levels: A0 – C1

Course levels and individual length:
• Beginner (A0/A1) - Course length: 12 weeks
• Elementary (A1/A2) - Course length: 12 weeks
• Pre-intermediate (A2) - Course length: 12 weeks
• Intermediate (B1) - Course length: 12 weeks
• Upper Intermediate (B2) - Course length: 12 weeks
• Advanced (C1) - Course length: 12 weeks

Start date: There is no specific start date for any of the above levels. You can start your Intensive General English Course on any Monday of any week. Enrolment must be received minimum 6 weeks prior to start date

Course prerequisites: No minimum level of English language proficiency required

Course entry requirement: Completion of The Language Academy’s placement test

Face-to-face attendance requirement: 20 hours per week (4 hours face to face [mandatory] plus 1-hour self-access study [optional] per day, Monday to Friday)

Minimum age requirement: 15 years old

Class size: Intensive General English classes can have a maximum of 8 students.

Course Highlights:

1. Interactive classroom culture: You will have plenty of opportunities to put theory into practice with both teachers and students.
2. Weekly progress tests: Stay on track with our weekly progress tests.
3. Recognised standards: The Language Academy is aligned with the CEFR, Cambridge Exams System, National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (National Code 2018) and the ELICOS Standards 2018.
4, maximum 8 students per class
5. FREE material

For more information on this course, please contact Administration.


Все уровни, от Beginner до Advanced
В первый день вас протестируют и определят уровень. Вы также можете сдать этот тест до вашего приезда в Голд-Кост.

Размер класса

В среднем 10 человек
Максимум 10 человек

Возраст учеников

Возрастной диапазон от 15 лет и старше
В среднем 27 лет (летом 26 лет)


Выдается сертификат об окончании курса.
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100% рекомендуют

на основании 6 отзывов
5 звезд
4 звезды
3 звезды
2 звезды
1 звезда
Качество обучения
Расположение школы

"The best place I've ever been."

Noga Zabari, Израиль

Everything was very good. The classes very comfortable. The managing director was element. The teacher very good. The housing was over than I expected. Also the location from housing to school was close. If I could I would have stayed more time.

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Моя оценка этой школы

Качество обучения
Расположение школы
Длительность обучения
7 недель
Время обучения
29 Jan 2018 - 23 Mar 2018
Вы рекомендуете эту школу?
Это проверенный отзыв. Студент бронировал курс в данной школе через агентство Language International.

"Excellent Personalized Language Education"

Benjamin Johnson, Япония

The teachers are all not only highly qualified but spend the time to focus on each and every student's interests and abilities. Furthermore the lessons are all tailored to the individual as much as possible.

Beyond the classroom, the Language Academy surpasses many other language schools. They created events like shopping, visiting museums, and dining that were all specifically created to help practice English in natural settings with the citizens of Gold Coast. These experiences were invaluable for confidence building.

I fully recommend the Language Academy for the students who know and expect a quality education. Pablo and his team consistently provided nothing but the best.

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Моя оценка этой школы

Качество обучения
Расположение школы
Длительность обучения
2 недели
Время обучения
28 Aug 2017 - 15 Sep 2017
Вы рекомендуете эту школу?
Это проверенный отзыв. Студент бронировал курс в данной школе через агентство Language International.

"This school was a perfect choice: high quality, individual teaching, high flexibility, reasonable price => TLA - what else?"

Franziska Wyss

Me and my family stayed at the Gold Coast for half a year. During this time our kids attended Miami State High School and my husband and I invested some time to improve our English skills. My husband spent 2 weeks and I spent 10 weeks at The Language Academy. We both enjoyed the familiar atmosphere and appreciated the flexibility of schedule. We took a lot of benefit from the various learning groups and teachers. Special thanks to our main teacher, Sarah. Her classes were a perfect mix of theory, group work and fun. Her weekly projects were always challenging and instructive. We definitely like to recommend this school. It was worth every single dollar we’ve paid!

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Моя оценка этой школы

Качество обучения
Расположение школы
Длительность обучения
17 недель
Время обучения
14 Nov 2016 - 15 Mar 2017
Вы рекомендуете эту школу?

"I reached my goal."


The school sheltered me very well. The teacher knows how to teach English very well and we can discuss in class issues of real life.

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Моя оценка этой школы

Качество обучения
Расположение школы
Длительность обучения
3 недели
Время обучения
25 Sep 2016 - 21 Oct 2016
Вы рекомендуете эту школу?

"I enjoy the class and look forward to it."

Sabine Hleis

I love the school, it is spacious, clean and the classes were comfortable. I think Pablo is a great teacher and he made the Spanish language more enjoyable to learn. I love that there was a small group of students in the class. Students were treated well. Each student is given close attention and encouragement in order to learn faster and better. Everyone there were very friendly!

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Моя оценка этой школы

Качество обучения
Расположение школы
Длительность обучения
32 недели
Время обучения
13 Apr 2016 - 29 Nov 2016
Вы рекомендуете эту школу?

"It was an amazing and unforgettable experience."

Zorik Chilingaryan

School is located in the heart of the Gold Coast, very close to the beach, Pacific Fair shopping center. It is very close to the public transport. School has contemporary design with well organised facilities and unique style.

English and Spanish teachers were well educated native speakers. Treated us with respect, very approachable and friendly. Always happy to stay a bit longer to help.

Classes were very dynamic and active. Covering all aspect of the language (English and Spanish) starting from listening, speaking and writing. Every week we had some activities including camping, scuba diving, bush-walking, yoga, healthy lifestyle. Every Friday there was a guest speaker.

My host family was very welcoming, every weekend we used to go out for a dinner.

Definitely I am coming back next year! This is the best language school I have found.

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Моя оценка этой школы

Качество обучения
Расположение школы
Длительность обучения
17 недель
Время обучения
1 Jul 2016 - 1 Nov 2016
Вы рекомендуете эту школу?


The Language Academy предлагает следующие типы жилья:

Проживание в семье - 1-мест. комната - Завтрак и ужин по будням, 3-разовое питание по выходным


Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner on weekdays, 3 meals on weekends

Возрастной диапазон: от 18 лет и старше
Расположение: In the city center of Голд-Кост
Тип жилья: Проживание в семье
Тип номера: 1-мест. комната
Питание: Завтрак и ужин по будням, 3-разовое питание по выходным (16 раз в неделю)
Расстояние до школы: 10 - 20 минут на прогулка
Доступность: Январь - Декабрь
Дни приезда: воскресенье, в любое время
Дни отъезда: воскресенье, до 09:00
Living as a guest in the home of a local individual or family is known as a homestay. It is a cultural experience between the individuals or families, known as the host, and a visiting international student.
It is a great way to learn about a new way of life, the local community and culture for all those involved. It will also be one of the best ways to improve your English skills.

The various inclusions of a full-board homestay arrangement are outlined below:

• AUD$390.00 per week ($620 for underage students - Homestay for underage students include the meals and transport from to the school everyday)
• Your own bedroom (with bed, desk, lamp and wardrobe)
• Three meals a day (self-serve breakfast, ready-made lunch, plus a cooked dinner)
• Electricity, gas and water bills
• Involvement in family activities
• Use of kitchen and laundry
• Phone, transport and internet use will cost extra

If you would like a room only with no meals provided, this can also be organised directly. Please talk to our Administration staff regarding homestay arrangements and current pricing.

Визовая поддержка

Мы не можем подавать на визу от имени студента. Вместе с тем, школа при необходимости пришлет вам приглашение в поддержку вашего визового заявления.

Ваше приглашение будет бесплатно выслано вам на домашний адрес обычной почтой. Если вы хотите получить его курьером, то оплата этой услуги составит A$ 30, и заказывать ее необходимо заранее, при регистрации на курс.

Перелет и трансфер

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Голд-Кост based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Туристическая страховка

Учитесь за границей без забот, застраховав Ваше здоровье и личные вещи с помощью нашей страховкиl. Бронируя курс у нас, Вы можете выбрать расширенную страховку, которая покроет не только Ваши медицинские расходы, но и застрахует Ваши личные вещи. Страховку необходимо заказывать заранее, когда вы бронируете курс.

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