Nosara Spanish Institute
Bodhi Tree Yoga Resort - Ruta 160 - 800 metros sur de 506 Tennis Resort, Nosara, Guanacaste 50206, Costa Rica
Nosara Spanish Institute
Восприятие на слух, речь, произношение, чтение, письменная речь, языковой запас, грамматика и внеклассный досуг
NSI закрыта и уроки не проводятся по датам, указанным выше. Школа не компенсирует дни обучения, выпавшие на праздники, так что постарайтесь учесть это при планировании своего курса.
You can choose from the following class times:
Расписание может меняться в зависимости от времени года и наполненности класов.
Playa Guiones, Nosara is renowned for our year round surf suitable for the beginner to advanced surfer. With the main Playa Guiones surf break only 500 meters West from our campus, the Nosara Spanish Institute is ideally situated to provide a world class Surf and Spanish experience.
The weekly package includes:
Our 20 hour Spanish language program (M-F)
Two 2 hour professional group surf lessons with Bodhi Del Mar (T & Th)
Daily and weekly board rentals are also available at surf shops near the school for Nosara Spanish Institute students.
Surf lessons will be scheduled on Tuesday (2 hours) and Thursday (2 hours) around your Spanish class times. Your lessons will start with a workshop where you will learn the basics of surfing, safety tips, paddling techniques, standing up on a board and riding waves.
All of the Bodhi Del Mar surf instructors are CPR, Open Water Rescue and First Aid certified to guarantee a safe and amazing experience. Bodhi Del Mar is owned by Costa Rican native Maria del Mar Alfaro, a major part of the surfing world since 1997. She is the founder and owner of Del Mar Surf Camp – her business celebrating 15 years of surfing in Costa Rica.
В среднем | 3 человека |
Максимум | 6 человек |
Возрастной диапазон | от 16 лет и старше |
В среднем | 30 лет (летом 25 лет) |
Испанский институт Носара предлагает круглогодичные структурированные испанские программы. С небольшими группами, университетскими дипломированными преподавателями испанского языка и удобствами; мы предоставляем все необходимое, чтобы максимизировать ваш опыт обучения.
Мы используем методологию коммуникативного обучения, где основной целью является улучшение коммуникативных навыков студента, поощрение спонтанного и творческого использования языка, использование реальных коммуникативных ситуаций и действий, которые преподают испанский язык так, как мы его используем.
Носара была основана на столпах сохранения окружающей среды, серфинга, хорошего самочувствия и йоги. Город окружен разнообразными природными ресурсами, от пляжей до гор, рек и водопадов, которые предоставляют многочисленные возможности для различных экскурсий и спортивных приключений.
Доступны такие услуги, как качественное образование, медицинские, банковские услуги и отличное питание. Посетители испытывают идеальную, комфортную среду для изучения нового языка, который позволяет расслабиться и сосредоточиться. Все это делает Испанский институт Носара лучшим выбором для ваших потребностей в изучении языка.
NSI has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in Коста-Рика. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
Национальный и возрастной состав в школе Nosara Spanish Institute варьируется в зависимости от сезона, курса и уровня знаний. В течение года средний возраст 30 лет. Летом средний возраст 25 лет.
NSI обучает студентов со всего мира, в том числе:
Школа NSI закрыта и уроки не проводятся по датам, указанным выше. Школа не компенсирует дни обучения, выпавшие на праздники, так что постарайтесь учесть это при планировании своего курса
Расположенный в природном заповеднике на тихоокеанском северо-западе Коста-Рики, первозданная среда джунглей Носары и исключительные пляжи - мечта любителя природы. Включение Носары в природный заповедник означает, что многие прибрежные города в Коста-Рике менее развиты, но у нас есть современные удобства, предоставляемые более крупными городами, включая медицинские клиники, два банка, продуктовые магазины, обширную сеть Wi-Fi, почтовое отделение и многое другое. , Наш кампус расположен в самом центре Плайя Гионес, всего в 8 минутах ходьбы от пляжа и в одной минуте ходьбы от всего, что может предложить этот город. Нередко лошади и скот блуждают по дорогам и можно увидеть, как обезьяна перекусывает от мангового дерева прямо перед кампусом, а также экзотических птиц, игуан и многого другого. Мы приглашаем вас испытать типичную Коста-Рику в Испанском институте Носара.
I really enjoyed the small classes, the different teachers I was able to experience during my stay in Nosara. The school organized different activities every week where I was able to speak more Spanish, get to know more about the culture and connected with some of the locals. My homestay was great too even if it was a little bit far away from the school. From the school it is a 10min walk to the beach which is great to go swimming or watch the sunset every day no matter if you have morning or afternoon classes.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...My time at Nosara Spanish Institute was very pleasant. I learned lots in just 2 weeks and would recommend anyone wanting to learn Spanish to do it here! The teachers are kind and incredibly helpful and intuitive. Plus the extra activities they host are very fun. The school is walking distance to the beach, which was a great place to go and study with newly made friends! Gracias Nosara!
Подробнее » Узнать больше...The classes were great because the teachers took their time to explain everything in detail and they were amicable too. We were not only provided with excellent classes but with great trips too! The location was good too and you can not complain about the facilities. I, for one, believe that the activities by the school are what made it stand out to others. Furthermore, the housing was a completely new and unforgettable experience too and I met a lot of amazing people.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...The teachers are consistently on time and patient. They are willing to go the extra mile to help students learn.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...Classes were great. It took a while to settle in, so next time, I would want to stay for more than two weeks. Marilyn was excellent. She knew exactly when to push and when not. She is also very nice and fun. We had a lot of laughs in class. Stayed in Esperanza with a phenomenal home-stay family. Our home-stay hostess is a fantastic cook and her family is very happy and welcoming!
As the school is about half-way between our home-stay and the beach, I did a lot of walking. This suited me perfectly. The walk to school was mostly gorgeous, but with one terrible dusty patch of road in the dry season a couple hundred feet long. I am not a surfer, but I wish I was! The other activities were pretty low-key, but I am sure that if I had wanted a night life I could easily have found it on my own. Brock organized a couple of cool things and got us pointed in the right direction to hire taxis to go to Lagarta Lodge and took us to learn to play the Marimba.
Was really happy I did not need to buy a lot of food as breakfast and dinner was included with my home-stay. Otherwise I think food prices would be very expensive. Nosara was much more tourist-oriented than I anticipated, which has upsides and downsides.
My Spanish improved tremendously! Thank you!
The classes were great. The location was excellent. Marcus and Jeraldo were wonderful, thorough and committed. I would love to return.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...During my 3 months at NSI, I had the pleasure of learning from all 3 of the Spanish teachers at the school. Each had their own unique styles, and classes always felt small and personal, having between 1-5 people. I went from understanding random Spanish words to understanding the majority of conversations among the Spanish people in my household. The administration of the school works extremely hard to ensure that all students are matched to the appropriate class/level. In my opinion, the school offers nearly as much return as a trip/activity organizer as it does as a language school. Much of the incredible things I got to see and people I got to meet were due to activities or arrangements made through the school...
I'm incredibly grateful for the time I got to spend learning from such wonderful people.
I have taken weekly group sessions on 3 separate occasions, each for 2 to 3 weeks, about 6 months apart. When I returned, the staff had gone out of its way to accommodate my level of "expertise" (LOL) and time-of-day preference. They really cared about the students' particular goals. Even if the sessions required review of things, I had a good hold on the teacher as she customized individual ability when addressing each student. When the other students were more advanced, the teacher brought me into a conversation that was at my level.
The location was central in the little barrio of Guiones. The facilities were comfortable. I did not go to a home stay as I own a home, so I did not need any of the numerous nearby rentals.
Marco was my teacher on all 3 occasions. He loves language and teaching. He is so smart! He also he reminds me of my son. I would be honored to have him as a teacher again.
I love that the staff tried to provide the time slot I asked for; Since I surf in the morning and at sunset, I prefer a late morning or early afternoon session for classes, and each time I lucked out.
The only criticism I have, which is actually a GOOD thing, is that weeks are very packed with new information and it is really impossible to internalize all that information during the sessions. It really takes me the full 6 months between visits to get a handle on all the vocabulary and grammar but that is because I do not speak Spanish at home... yet.
Семьи тщательно отбираются и дают студентам возможность больше узнать о местной культуре в комфортабельной обстановке, изучая испанский язык !in Nosara. Чаще всего семьи расположены в 15 - 30 минутах пути общественным транспортом от школы. Семьи обычно предлагают питание по весьма привлекательной цене, что позволит вам познакомиться с местной кухней. Если у вас есть особые требования или диетические ограничения (по религиозным или медицинским причинам), пожалуйста, предупредите нас заранее. Заезд в в жилье происходит в воскресенье накануне первого дня занятий и заканчивается в субботу после последнего дня занятий, если не указано иное. Узнать больше о Проживание в семье
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner
Вы можете снять квартиру на время обучения !in Nosara, но это обычно получается дороже. Школа NSI может предложить некоторую помощь со съемом квартиры или вы можете снять ее самостоятельно.
Student residence (off-campus) - Single-person room - No meals
Мы не можем подавать на визу от имени студента.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Nosara based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Учитесь за границей без забот, застраховав Ваше здоровье и личные вещи с помощью нашей страховкиl. Бронируя курс у нас, Вы можете выбрать расширенную страховку, которая покроет не только Ваши медицинские расходы, но и застрахует Ваши личные вещи. Страховку необходимо заказывать заранее, когда вы бронируете курс.
Nosara Spanish Institute