Эта программа для людей среднего возраста, желающих изучать итальянский
язык и культуру вместе со своими сверстниками.
Программа включает:
• 2 недели / 40 групповых уроков итальянского языка (4 урока в день)
• 1 экскурсия по Салерно
• 1 экскурсия на целый день
• 1 экскурсия на полдня
• 1 специальная экскурсия с дегустацией на фабрику по производству
моцареллы, оливкового масла или лимончелло
• 1 практический урок по кулинарии
• 1 практический урок по керамике
• 2 семинара по итальянской культуре
• 2 урока в школе
Восприятие на слух, речь, произношение, чтение, письменная речь, языковой запас, грамматика и внеклассный досуг
Accademia Italiana Salerno закрыта и уроки не проводятся по датам, указанным выше. Школа не компенсирует дни обучения, выпавшие на праздники, так что постарайтесь учесть это при планировании своего курса.
Расписание может меняться в зависимости от времени года и наполненности класов.
В среднем | 6 человек |
Максимум | 10 человек |
Возрастной диапазон | 16 - 99 лет |
В среднем | 45 лет (летом 23 лет) |
Accademia Italiana расположена в самом центре Салерно, в нескольких шагах от основного района с пабами, ресторанами и магазинами.
Школа является одним из наиболее аккредитованных учебных заведений в Италии и предлагает 6 уровней языка (согласно CEFR) и широкий спектр курсов: Стандартный; Интенсивный; Культурный и художественные курсы; Курсы подготовки к официальным сертификатам CILS, DITALS и CELI (выпущены Университетом для иностранцев Сиены и Перуджи); Курсы для профессионалов; Курсы для учителей; Производственная практика; 50 PLUS; курсы для семей; Программа для юниоров; Язык, еда и вино.
Accademia Italiana предлагает богатую программу досуга: культурные семинары и мероприятия проводятся каждый день, и они включены в стоимость курса. Все преподаватели имеют высшее образование и имеют высокую специализацию в преподавании итальянского языка как L2 / FL.
has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in Италия. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
Национальный и возрастной состав в школе Accademia Italiana Salerno варьируется в зависимости от сезона, курса и уровня знаний. В течение года средний возраст 45 лет. Летом средний возраст 23 лет.
обучает студентов со всего мира, в том числе:
Школа закрыта и уроки не проводятся по датам, указанным выше. Школа не компенсирует дни обучения, выпавшие на праздники, так что постарайтесь учесть это при планировании своего курса
Accademia Italiana - итальянская языковая школа, специализирующаяся на преподавании итальянского языка как иностранного и второго. Школа расположена в Салерно, на юге Италии, и представляет собой одно из самых аккредитованных учебных заведений в Италии. Accademia Italiana уполномочена Министерством образования, университетов и исследований (стр. 368/11) и Университетами для иностранцев Сиены и Перуджи на официальные сертификаты итальянского языка, CILS и CELI. Кроме того, Accademia Italiana является авторизованным учебным центром для официальной сертификации DITALS (выпущенной Университетом для иностранцев Сиены - сертификация по преподаванию итальянского языка как L2 / LS) и является членом IALC (Quality Language Centres Worldwide) и ASILS ( Ассоциация школы итальянского языка как второго). Кроме того, наши курсы признаны CSN в Швеции и действительны как Bildungsurlaub в Германии.
Школа расположена недалеко от прекрасного побережья Амальфи, недалеко от многих туристических и знаменитых мест, таких как Помпеи, Пестум, Позитано, Равелло, Капри и Искья. Accademia Italiana предлагает широкий выбор курсов итальянского языка и культуры, специальных программ, курсов для учителей, итальянского языка для бизнеса и т. Д. Прямой подход учитель-ученик, который формируется благодаря небольшому количеству учащихся в группе Aech (максимум 10), позволяет студентам максимизировать свое обучение и получать постоянную обратную связь на их лингвистический прогресс. Уроки проводятся с понедельника по пятницу и длятся по 55 минут каждый. Дидактический метод основан на самых современных методиках преподавания итальянского как второго языка и развивает у каждого студента 4 языковых навыка.
I Had great time this week, my teacher, Rackel was both super professional and kind.
I'm happy I chose with private lessons and I'll defiantly come back for more lessons in the future.
Great gift for myself!
The school location is just fantastic next to lungomare. It was easy to walk there from the train station.
Salerno is beautiful, rich in culture , practical and safe.
The school was great with its charm. I stayed mostly in the new part ( next building), which is more modern, I did not have to ring the bell to enter ( which could be annoying ), and I did not have to bump my hear on the very low main door.
The chairs are not really comfortable but the classes were short.
I did not enjoy my first week. I found the class was not focusing on teaching us what we really needed to communicate with Italians.It was a lot of grammar and not enough teaching on the 'every day Italian ". I did mention it the my teacher Selene. I also was not lucky as on my first Friday test, we did it too late to corrected it. It was very frustrating to not know what were my mean mistakes and work on it on the weekend. As I came back to my Italian family the day ( first Friday of the course ) I was not feeling more comfortable to speak.
On my second week, I had to study a lot more by myself with my own material , to be able to learn what I wanted. My teacher , Selene ( still as my class did not change teacher ) did more conversations but the structure was still messy. Lucky I did few activities with the school that week.
Everything change on my 3rd week , when we changed teacher . Federica methods of teaching were excellent and interesting. Every questions turned to practical answer. I wrote my notes in my book in 1 class than 2 weeks of classes.
She was really spot on the teach us the grammar with practical Italian.
Overall I will definitely came back, as I still need to learn more.
it was optimal combination or learning and travelling for me, study till lunch and have free time was really enjoyable. I like the city itself and it was easy to travel through Amalfi coast from it. School location near sea and historic center is also very convenient. My group was very fun, people nice and interesting; I like the books and the method of studying.
What was maybe not very good for me - that my room wasn't closing, and it was quite noisy sometimes at night.
I chose to stay with a family and was very pleased I did. My room was spacious and comfortable and the family were friendly and accommodating- even meeting me from the train station on my arrival the evening before the lessons started. The apartment was in the Centro Storico and only 5 mins from the school which was easy to find on my first morning.
The assessment on the first morning of lessons was well organised yet casual and stress-free. Initially the class allocation didn't suit everyone in my class but by the second day following a few switches we were all of a similar ability and lessons went well from there. There were only 7 of us in the class which was perfect. My teacher was excellent, allowing time for everyone to practise the spoken language as well as working on grammar and vocabulary every morning. He was also funny and friendly and I never felt embarrassed or uncomfortable when (predictably) I made mistakes!
Each afternoon the school organised activities giving further chances to practice talking with others- ranging from presentations on food and drink to a quiz, as well as excursions to local historical sites. On the first afternoon we had a walking tour of Salerno to orientate us as well as giving some historical background of the town. This activities meant there were lots of chances to mix with students form other classes and by the end of the week I felt I had made some good friends!
Overall, the school surpassed my expectations and I am already planning to return!
I liked the location of both the school and the residence, I also liked the activities that were offered. I believe the meals could be improved, specially breakfast and dinner. The teachers were very nice. The classes were very good.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...Thank you, Alexander! It was great to have you with us for your Junior Program and we hope to welcome you again in our school.
Accademia Italiana Salerno is a very professional well run school. My two weeks just flew past, very enjoyable. I liked our daily classes and also very much enjoyed the afternoon outings and events. Very organized and fun.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...The classes were small which was conducive to each one of us having the time to advance our knowledge of the language.
We chose to stay in a B&B, Casa Maya, on Via Arce, which was wonderful and located within easy walking distance from the school. The building was beautiful, though at times the classrooms were very hot due to the weather, and not using the A/C.
I had two instructors, Lica and Renato, who were both very patient and knowledgeable. The activities were varied and wonderful. Salerno is a beautiful location to further your studies of Italian.
Lovely hostess who was friendly like a mum. We loved Concetta! Classes are boring but activities funny and interesting. Location is perfect at the city center. City safe and complete next to the beach.
Even though I didn’t like the classes everything was super good. But the program need to add Italian teenagers to interact with foreign teen. So that they can become friends and can practice and learn Italian language otherwise kids speak English each other too much.
All in all, it was an amazing experience. The classes were good, we were around 7 people in one class. The teachers were helpful and nice, the differences in our Italian knowledge was not a problem at all, I think we all felt comfortable. The location of the school is amazing, close to the see and in the historical centre. The facilities were good the only thing I did not like that much is the loud streets next to the building, because of the warm the windows were always open, and we had to wear the masks all the time, so sometimes it was hard to hear each other. I chose to live with a host family. If I would have to choose again I would apply for an apartment or a shared flat as I did not have much contact with the family and I was not allowed to use the kitchen. The family was really loud so sometimes it was a bit uncomfortable.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...The athmospher of the classes was different depended on the student's personality who was open-minded who was not because our teacher was very friendly, calm and l felt myself almost in a family especially during the second week when new students arrived. I would realise this experience again. The activities were colorful and interesting, there are so many facilities ( cities, landscapes, sites, beaches) in the region. If l would have been more 2 weeks, lt would have been great! I'm satisfied with the housing, too. It was original and nice, the host mom was helpful.
At Accademia Italiana they took the security rules of covid19 seriously. I can say l liked everything.
Good school, great material, some good , some excellent teachers, extremely expensive course though, can’t believe how much just one week cost...
Подробнее » Узнать больше...I had one teacher for my language classes, Anna. She was excellent in her knowledge and in they way she treated people. She seems to be a truly talented person who dramatizes situations well. She seems extremely capable in English and also in adapting her use of Italian to the levels of her students. I would also mention that there were 10 students in the class, of varying abilities. So the challenge before a language teacher would be considerable.
The cultural activities were excellent and also very well done, insofar as I attended them. These included Castello Arecchi, Giardina Minerva, City Tour, and Cetara. In each of these the guides from A.I. were excellent in both their historical and cultural knowledge and in their ability interact with a sample of students of diverse backgrounds. In these events, the students who attended, were generally not my classmates.
I had a very good experience with Accademia Italiana, which is placed in the old town of Salerno close to the sea. We were few students in each class (January), and the teachers were committed and competent.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...Super location in Salerno and kind staff. The hours were good. Food was excellent. Great for people.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...Ich mochte sehr wie alle an der Schule sich um das Wohlergehen der Studenten gekümmert haben und sich auch für Fragen, wie wo der Bus fährt oder wo man einen Adapter kaufen kann..., Zeit genommen haben. Mich hat auch beeindruckt wie geduldig sie mit komplizierteren Mitstudenten umgingen, bei denen ich längst die Nerven verloren hätte(vorallem außerhalb des Unterrichts). Die Lehrer könnten öfter eingreifen, wenn sie merken, dass jemand über oder unterfordert ist und diesen auf einen möglichen Klassenwechsel ansprechen(betraf nicht mich). Was die einrichung betrifft kann ich nicht klagen. Das Internet hat gut funktioniert und es standen etliche Computer zur freien Benutzung zur Verfügung. Ich finde, da se auchmit ner Bibliothek werben sollten sie mehr auswah an ganz einfacher italienischer Literatur bieten. Ich hätte mich zum beispiel gefreut typische Kindergeschichten zu lesen.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...I loved the location. The beach was amazing. The class was also fun but serious enough that we would learn. At first I hated the bungalow because I thought it was small, but I thought it was nice and cozy by the second day.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...Honestly there is nothing to complain about. The school staff was very nice and helpful. My teacher, Pina, was great and patient. The location of my flat could not have been better as I lived 3 minutes from school and I had a big supermarket downstairs. Also my landlord, Ms. Alfonsina Rizzo, was a great person and she was really helpful. I participated in many additional classes and I really enjoyed them. I improved my language skills and I met fantastic people. Even the sun was shining all the time. I felt secure and when I had a question there was always someone in school willing to help me. Thank you for everything!
Подробнее » Узнать больше...In some cases I learned a lot from the classes that I had not known from my studies in Australia, and in other cases the revision of what I already had learned was very helpful. I had difficulty with one particular subject, but the teacher spent some of her private time in order to help me understand, for which I was most grateful.
The teachers were all delightful, good teachers and so well presented, immaculate in their dress, hair and general appearance.
The location was ideal for me as it was only 10 minutes walk from my accommodation, which in itself was excellent, if a little noisy, being in a very crowded area of the old city.
I enjoyed the activities organised by the school, both cultural seminars and excursions to various locations in the area.
I cannot say that there was anything that I did not like.
Семьи тщательно отбираются и дают студентам возможность больше узнать о местной культуре в комфортабельной обстановке, изучая итальянский язык !in Салерно. Чаще всего семьи расположены в 5 - 25 минутах пути общественным транспортом от школы. Семьи обычно предлагают питание по весьма привлекательной цене, что позволит вам познакомиться с местной кухней. Если у вас есть особые требования или диетические ограничения (по религиозным или медицинским причинам), пожалуйста, предупредите нас заранее. Заезд в в жилье происходит в воскресенье накануне первого дня занятий и заканчивается в субботу после последнего дня занятий, если не указано иное. Узнать больше о Проживание в семье
Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast - 2 students must book together
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast
Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast and dinner - 2 students must book together
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner
Вы можете снять квартиру на время обучения в Салерно, но это обычно получается дороже. Школа Accademia Italiana Salerno может предложить некоторую помощь со съемом квартиры или вы можете снять ее самостоятельно.
Shared apartment - 2-person shared room - No meals - 2 students must book together
Executive Shared apartment - 2-person shared room - No meals - 2 students must book together
Shared apartment Standard- Single-person room - No meals
Executive Apartment - Single-person room - No meals
Private one roomed apartment - Single-person room - No meals
Мы не можем подавать на визу от имени студента. Вместе с тем, школа при необходимости пришлет вам приглашение в поддержку вашего визового заявления.
Ваше приглашение будет бесплатно выслано вам на домашний адрес обычной почтой. Если вы хотите получить его курьером, то оплата этой услуги составит 80 €, и заказывать ее необходимо заранее, при регистрации на курс.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Салерно based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Учитесь за границей без забот, застраховав Ваше здоровье и личные вещи с помощью нашей страховкиl. Бронируя курс у нас, Вы можете выбрать расширенную страховку, которая покроет не только Ваши медицинские расходы, но и застрахует Ваши личные вещи. Страховку необходимо заказывать заранее, когда вы бронируете курс.
Accademia Italiana Salerno