The Italian Academy
Piazzale San Marziano, 1, 96100, Siracusa (Syracuse), Syracuse, Sicilia 96100, Italy
The Italian Academy
Наши курсы предоставляют возможность посещать классы итальянского языка высшего уровня, одновременно наслаждаясь всем, что предалагает увлекательный город Сиракузы.
Каждый курс разработан в соответствии с CEFR – Common European Framework of Reference for languages (A1 – A2 – B1 – B2 – C1 – C2).
Являетесь ли Вы новичком, или свободно владеете языком, мы поможем подобрать курс, который будет отвечать Вашим личным потребностям. Все наши курсы основаны на коммуникативной методике, что предоставит Вам возможность практиковать разговорный итальянский, развить понимание языка, расширить словарный запас и улучшить понимание грамматической структуры.
Все преподаватели итальянской Академии являются высококвалифицированными специалистами и носителями языка, которые стремятся сделать изучение итальянского языка приятным и продуктивным, насколько это возможно.
Мы также предлагаем курсы длительного пребывания в течение года, которые готовят наших учащихся к экзаменам CILS сертификации университета Сиены, которая является престижной и широко признанной сертификацией итальянской языковой компетенции.
Максимальный размер класса: 12 студентов
Средний размер класса: 6/8 студентов
Продолжительность курса: минимальная продолжительность каждого курса – 1 неделя. Максимального срока нет. Студенты могут присоединиться к нашим летним курсам каждый понедельник с середины июня до середины сентября.
Расписание занятий: недельный график: с понедельника по пятницу с 9.00 до 12.30 (3 часа занятий).
Студенты, посещающие наш общий курс итальянского, также могут каждый день выбирать из широкого ассортимента дневные и вечерние мероприятия.
Восприятие на слух, речь, произношение, чтение, письменная речь, языковой запас, грамматика и внеклассный досуг
Расписание может меняться в зависимости от времени года и наполненности класов.
В среднем | 5 человек |
Максимум | 8 человек |
Возрастной диапазон | 18 - 99 лет |
В среднем | 34 лет (летом 30 лет) |
Итальянская академия, расположенная в самом центре очаровательного города Сиракузы, предлагает уникальный выбор тематических курсов итальянского языка: интенсивные курсы, курсы культуры, кулинарные курсы и дегустации вин, приключенческие путешествия, разговорные уроки и индивидуальные занятия.
• 30-летний опыт работы. Аккредитовано MIUR, Министерством образования Италии.
• Высококвалифицированные преподаватели.
• Центральное расположение, современные помещения
• WIFI и кондиционер везде, медиацентр и компьютерная лаборатория
• Богатая программа экскурсий и культурных мероприятий
• 24/7 поддержка студентов
• Дополнительная программа обмена языком тандем с местными студентами
• Центр подготовки и экзаменов CILS and DITALS (Сертификат итальянского языка для студентов и преподавателей Университета Сиены).
Наши курсы
Круглогодичные курсы общего итальянского языка в течение всего года, построенные в соответствии с Общими европейскими рамками. Все уровни от А1 до С2. Уникальная серия специализированных курсов итальянского +: «Еда и вино», «История, мифы и культура» и «Сицилийское приключение».
Наш метод обучения
Основан на коммуникативном подходе. Занятия направлены на развитие 4 языковых навыков с упором на интерактивное общение и внимательный анализ потребностей каждого учащегося. Темы, затронутые в классе тесно связаны с насыщенной программой мероприятий.
has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in Италия. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
Национальный и возрастной состав в школе The Italian Academy варьируется в зависимости от сезона, курса и уровня знаний. В течение года средний возраст 34 лет. Летом средний возраст 30 лет.
обучает студентов со всего мира, в том числе:
Школа расположена в самом сердце Сиракузы, рядом с археологическим музеем и парком, в нескольких минутах ходьбы от главных торговых улиц города, острова Ортиджия и пляжа.
Главное здание нашего кампуса представляет собой историческую виллу, которая может похвастаться более чем 2 акрами пышного ботанического сада с цитрусовыми деревьями, средиземноморской флорой, вековыми пальмами и магнолиями, а также многими другими экзотическими деревьями и растениями. В этой очаровательной обстановке часто проводятся уроки на открытом воздухе, уроки кулинарии, семинары и другие мероприятия.
Вход находится рядом с церковью Святого Иоанна (Chiesa di San Giovanni), которая дает доступ к катакомбам и склепу Святого Марциана: считается многими первым местом христианского культа на Западе, где, как говорят, проповедовал святой Павел .
Small classes, a motivated and skilled teacher, motivated participants and a nice location added up to a very good learning atmosphere.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...All good, a good trip, friendly staff. Lovely atmosphere.
Recommended: get a fridge for students after the cooking class! A bit awkward.
Tell students about Archimedes park and museum in Ortigia. Tricky getting info on that.
I attended The Italian Academy in Siracusa for two weeks during the off peak season.
The school was based in a historic villa with large classrooms, beautiful grounds, and a terrace - where we enjoyed our break times in the sun.
There were about 20 people in the school at this time with about 5 classes.
The teacher was very friendly and engaging and accommodated the learning requests of the group.
The school organised optional activities during the afternoons including visits to nature reserves, cooking classes, and wine tasting.
I stayed in the old town of Siracusa and the school was a little walk from the old town.
Why did I become so fond of the Italian Academy?
Annalisa is a dedicated teacher with a good sense of humor. The location of the School is superb and
I thoroughly enjoyed our small group of four women with different international backgrounds.
The Italian language course in Siracusa was a lovely pretence to escape the Swiss winter.
I had two weeks of studying Italian at the Italian Academy. I was surprised by the excellent teachers and about the amount we were able to cover and learn within two weeks.
In the first week we were a group of 8 international people, In the second week we were only 3, but this was even more intense.
Both teachers Agata and Luisa were excellent- I liked Agata´s sense of humour.
The villa of the school and surrounding park is wonderful for having breaks and realxing during the break.
AS I was there with my friend 'Grete we were busy exploring Sicily and participated only at one activity, which was lovely: The puppets museum and the puppets theatre
The Italian Academy offers enough activities for students to get to know each other..
My accomodation was an appartment from the school- which was a nice only 15 minutes walk away.
Personally I did not like so much the furnishing of the living room of my villa "Arancio" was a bit like a "farmhouse parlor"
Whereas the furnishing of the villa "limone" of my friend was modern and lovely.
the appartments could be cleaner when accessed and there was a strange smell.
The price for the appartment is very reasonable and nice to give to students of the school.
This was an excellent experience I would definitely recommend to everybody!
The Italian Academy is situated in a beautiful garden and I loved the location. Our teacher was superb and I just loved her and how she could make us learn and understand so much, really great.
I did the cooking class and it was really the highlight.
I can not say nothing negative from this one week
I originally registered to study for a week at the Italian Academy in Siracusa three years ago. I was finally able to attend in June this year. It was worth the wait. The school itself is in a beautiful location in a beautiful city. The staff was very helpful and friendly. My teacher, Leonora, was always prepared and spoke very clearly. I had no problem understanding her. She has a good sense of humor and I enjoyed her classes. I was placed at the Intermediate level. The class was small, four to six people a day. The students were from several different countries (France, Switzerland, the Czech Republic) as well as the USA, and always had an interesting point of view to offer. During our daily break we shared a coffee and a pastry at a nearby cafe. I enjoyed many conversations in Italian with the French student in the class. He spoke better Italian than English, and I spoke Italian better than French. I discovered that he was being hosted by a family in the same building as I was.
I was very happy with my housing situation. I had opted for a half board with an Italian family, and enjoyed conversing with my hostess, Stephania, during my meals. She was very kind and helpful, and my accommodations were very comfortable. She corrected my Italian whenever my Spanish crept into the conversation. The apartment was about a 20 minute walk to the school. It usually took me 30 minutes to get there because I got lost often, even using GPS. But I was glad to have the exercise.
Several activities were offered after class, but I was only able to participate in a visit to the nearby Catacombs. It was very interesting. On my own, I was able to book a boat excursion on the Island of Ortigia, which was very near Stephania's apartment. I took advantage of the tourist Hop Off, Hop On bus, which had a stop very close to the school, and was able to visit many interesting sites.
I have nothing negative to say about the experience. I have attended a language school in Milan and one in Rome, and this school was by far the best. My only regret is that I didn't have more time to study there. I am sure my Italian would have improved even more.
First of all, all staff is very nice and helpful at the Academy.
The place is a pure asset - wow!
The rooms are ok; the garden is lovely. The teacher was good and even if nearly all was a repetition of what I had already known and learnt - I did improve my level.
The first week we had been 3 in the class, one - really nice - colleague however had great problems to follow and was certainly not placed in the right level.
The second week we had been 2 and thus the hours have been reduced.
I liked the methodology, did not get bored - however, it was not very challenging.
I truly liked the film-afternoon and did appreciate the Monday morning breakfast. The excursions and offer to cook was too expensive - 60 euro. I had in Naples similar offers at my school there at a much much lower price.
The school also offered a family where I stayed one week - the lady was nice, and the stay was ok.
I would not hesitate to recommend the school. I really enjoyed my time there, learnt lots and made some good friends. The whole package was excellent. The accommodation was ideal, the teaching very good indeed and the school promoted a good atmosphere of togetherness between the students. The social activities were also very good and Francesco at the school really took time to ensure we enjoyed them and experienced something authentic of the region.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...i liked the Location very much. It was a old Villa, very good situated. one could reach it very easy by bus or by Walking from the Center of Siracusa.
The School was good organised. My teacher was a very good one, she had a professione, goodl education.
In one week I improved my Italien a Little bit. Four week would have been better. So my Italien would have been perfect.....
Classes - I expected to be a class member but my lessons were one-on-one. This had advantages - shorter lesson times, direct relationship with the teacher, instant feedback, personalized instruction, additional content covered. It also had disadvantages - no social interaction with other students, no learning opportunities through hearing other students responses.
Teachers - I had two - both excellent and easy to relate to. There was a tendency to cover too much content (a common problem in teaching limited time courses). I would have liked a slower pace with much revision to ensure I could use the content that had been covered.
Location and Facilities were fine.
Housing - I stayed with a lovely host family and I would strongly recommend the experience to potential students. It made a simple language course into a great learning experience. I felt like a member of the Siracusan community.
My class had a brilliant teacher, Louisa, very patient and clear and logical. Our lessons were very enjoyable and informative. Everyone at the school were very warm, friendly and extremely helpful.
I did feel that I might have benefited more from listening exercises as I did not really get much practice speaking Italian outside of the classroom!
I had organised my own accommodation which unfortunately turned out to be unsuitable and the school stepped in immediately and arranged a lovely apartment in Ortijia, which I was extremely grateful for.
I will start with what I did not like, because this will be said in one word: Nothing! What I liked were the classes and the way the Italian Academy tried to find out what I wished, hoped for even in my leisure time. The teacher met exactly what I wanted to learn, she looked for the fitting articles, books and essays. It was not only that I learned a lot and could talk a lot in Italian but I received many other ideas. During my first day at the Academy we had a talk about what I would like to do in my free time - and they created a personal program for me. And they even brought me into contact with a local lady in order to give me the opportunity to talk in Italian outside the Academy. They chose her so very well that we became friends. What can you say more about a stay at a language school where I just wanted to improve my Italian? They opened not only their teaching skills but also their culture and their hearts to us, the students. Thank you so much!!!
Подробнее » Узнать больше...Семьи тщательно отбираются и дают студентам возможность больше узнать о местной культуре в комфортабельной обстановке, изучая итальянский язык !in Саракуза. Чаще всего семьи расположены в 5 - 20 минутах пути общественным транспортом от школы. Семьи обычно предлагают питание по весьма привлекательной цене, что позволит вам познакомиться с местной кухней. Если у вас есть особые требования или диетические ограничения (по религиозным или медицинским причинам), пожалуйста, предупредите нас заранее. Заезд в в жилье происходит в воскресенье накануне первого дня занятий и заканчивается в субботу после последнего дня занятий, если не указано иное. Узнать больше о Проживание в семье
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner
Вы можете снять квартиру на время обучения В Саракуза, но это обычно получается дороже. Школа The Italian Academy может предложить некоторую помощь со съемом квартиры или вы можете снять ее самостоятельно.
Premium Private Apartment - Single-person room - No meals (From November to April)
Premium Private Apartment - Single-person room - No meals (From May to October)
Мы не можем подавать на визу от имени студента. Вместе с тем, школа при необходимости пришлет вам приглашение в поддержку вашего визового заявления.
Ваше приглашение будет бесплатно отправлено обычной почтой на указанный вами адрес.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Саракуза based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Учитесь за границей без забот, застраховав Ваше здоровье и личные вещи с помощью нашей страховкиl. Бронируя курс у нас, Вы можете выбрать расширенную страховку, которая покроет не только Ваши медицинские расходы, но и застрахует Ваши личные вещи. Страховку необходимо заказывать заранее, когда вы бронируете курс.
The Italian Academy