Global Language Education Experience
Ac. 85 #12-66, Bogota, Distrito Capital 0000, Colombia
Global Language Education Experience
Эта программа сочетает утреннюю стандартную программу с дневной мини-группой. Мини-группа позволяет преподавателю сосредоточиться на неотложных потребностях ученика, улучшая навыки слушания и разговорной речи, расширяя словарный запас и укрепляя доверие.
Наши группы малы, студенты могут активно участвовать и получать индивидуальное внимание. Этот курс содержит:
4,5 часа в день разделяют на сеансы 60 минут
22,5 часа в неделю
Занятия проводятся с 8.30 до 11.45 (включая 15 минут) и с 13.00 до 14.30
Домашние работы
Завершить сертификат и отчет.
Свободная культурная деятельность после школы в Боготе
Ориентационная встреча в первый понедельник занятий
Языковые материалы (учебники, ксерокопии, блокноты)
Glhee Welcome Pack, включая карты, рестораны и ночные гиды и т. Д.
Скидки на выходные
Бесплатный тест на размещение, чтобы найти идеальный курс испанской группы в Богота
Eta programma sochetayet utrennyuyu standartnuyu programmu s dnevnoy mini-gruppoy. Mini-gruppa pozvolyayet prepodavatelyu sosredotochit'sya na neotlozhnykh potrebnostyakh uchenika, uluchshaya navyki slushaniya i razgovornoy rechi, rasshiryaya slovarnyy zapas i ukreplyaya doveriye.
Nashi gruppy maly, studenty mogut aktivno uchastvovat' i poluchat' individual'noye vnimaniye. Etot kurs soderzhit:
4,5 chasa v den' razdelyayut na seansy 60 minut
22,5 chasa v nedelyu
Zanyatiya provodyatsya s 8.30 do 11.45 (vklyuchaya 15 minut) i s 13.00 do 14.30
Domashniye raboty
Zavershit' sertifikat i otchet.
Svobodnaya kul'turnaya deyatel'nost' posle shkoly v Bogote
Oriyentatsionnaya vstrecha v pervyy ponedel'nik zanyatiy
YAzykovyye materialy (uchebniki, kserokopii, bloknoty)
Glhee Welcome Pack, vklyuchaya karty, restorany i nochnyye gidy i t. D.
Skidki na vykhodnyye
Besplatnyy test na razmeshcheniye, chtoby nayti ideal'nyy kurs ispanskoy gruppy v Bogota
Восприятие на слух, речь, произношение, чтение, письменная речь, языковой запас, грамматика и внеклассный досуг
You can choose from the following class times:
Расписание может меняться в зависимости от времени года и наполненности класов.
В среднем | 5 человек |
Максимум | 6 человек |
Возрастной диапазон | от 18 лет и старше |
В среднем | 27 лет (летом 25 лет) |
Glhee расположен в районе под названием Усакин, который в 1954 году был небольшим тихим городком, главной площадью, а на восточном побережье стоит церковь Санта-Барбара-де-Усакин, построенная в середине XVII века. Вокруг можно прогуляться по узким улочкам, купить изделия ручной работы и посетить элегантные рестораны и отведать типичные блюда, а также бары и другие места.
Отличное месторасположение школы и широкий выбор курсов делают ее идеальным местом для изучения испанского языка: учащиеся могут выбирать из общих курсов испанского, интенсивных курсов, курсов для руководителей или языковых путешествий и могут выбирать от нескольких уроков в неделю до двадцати двух уроков в неделю. В Glhee есть общая зона с неограниченным количеством кофе, воды и пива, бесплатным доступом в Интернет и материалами для самостоятельных занятий, комнатой отдыха для студентов и отличными классными комнатами.
Школа предлагает еженедельный календарь социальных и развлекательных мероприятий, чтобы пригласить студентов практиковать свои навыки испанского во время посещения популярных достопримечательностей в городе и его окрестностях.
Glhee Spanish School has partnerships with the following universities and colleges in Колумбия. You can gain full or conditional acceptance into one of these institutions.
Национальный и возрастной состав в школе Global Language Education Experience варьируется в зависимости от сезона, курса и уровня знаний. В течение года средний возраст 27 лет. Летом средний возраст 25 лет.
Glhee Spanish School обучает студентов со всего мира, в том числе:
Glhee - это испанская школа, базирующаяся в Боготе, столице Колумбии, которая предлагает высококачественные испанские образовательные программы - от еженедельных курсов до программ погружения в Колумбии, основываясь на превосходстве и постоянных новшествах с миссией по созданию 100% культурного погружения в испаноязычной стране.
Наши преподаватели окончили престижные университеты в Колумбии, такие как Джаверана, Сабана, а также из Университет Барселоны в Испании.
Мы гарантируем, что вы освоите испанский язык, благодаря потрясающей обстановке. У нас разные классы, от открытых до весьма технологических.
Наши студенты - все взрослые от 18 лет и старше, и мы открыты круглый год, за исключением нескольких дней в течение года, таких как Рождество, Новый год.
The two-hour class is sufficient for me. Although I would prefer daily classes, this is not possible given that I have work. As a beginner, a one-on-one class is good because the professor can extensively explain the lessons. As I look forward to the next level of my language class, I hope I can enroll in a face-to-face class.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...My experience at Glhee was very positive. The teachers are all great people, and are interested in making your learning experience as enjoyable and interesting as possible. They do their best to place you in a class that aligns with your level and needs. I did three weeks of lessons and felt my confidence start to build with speaking.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...I liked how open the teachers are and how they welcomed me. The school organizes fun activities. I learned a lot about the life and attitudes of people from Bogotá through fun conversations. I enjoyed my lessons and learned a lot!
Подробнее » Узнать больше...I took a 1-week class with two other students. We were well matched in terms of Spanish proficiency, so the class could focus on skills that we all needed. The teacher was great although I thought some of the standardized materials he used did not focus on the most essential knowledge for day-to-day communication. We met in a WeWork space that was quite conveniently located. I learned a lot in 5 days, I would definitely take another class with this group.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...My Spanish course in Bogotá was a success. I was really happy with the school. The best thing was my teacher, Aram, who was very professional and taught me a lot not just only about the language but Latin-American culture overall. Other staff was also very friendly and helpful. Cultural activities were absolutely great, well organized and I got to know other students there as well. I got from basically zero to level A1 in two weeks. This wasn’t for nothing, I did work hard and did some extra practicing outside classes as well. But this course gave me so much help. I’m very happy with the experience.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...I am very satisfied that the classes, as communicated in advance, consist of only a few students (in my case a maximum of 3 counted with me). This meant that the teacher had the necessary attention for me and was able to respond to the things I had to work on at that moment (pronunciation, vocabulary, syntax,...). I also loved the different ways of teaching. Not by having to listen to what the teacher says all the time (like classical education), but by lots of exercises, practice, games and after-school activities.
What is not a big problem for me, but which I can imagine that others have trouble with, is that it was not clear every day from whom and with which students I was going to work together that same day. So I didn't always get lessons from the same teacher for the three weeks. Still, I don't mind because I know that the institution assembles students and teachers based on experience. This means that the students' teachers are sometimes swapped, as was the case with me. I was very satisfied with all the teachers, but I also have the impression that they made the right choice to put another teacher with me who works more with exercises, which I needed at that moment.
Finally, I am also very happy with the cultural activities. I have seen a lot of the city and learned a lot about Colombian culture. There was also a lot of variation in the activities. This way of learning Spanish made sense to me. It also made sure that during these weeks I never felt lonely and made good friends because of the institution. Because of the involvement of the teachers I always had the feeling that I could go to them if that was necessary.
I am Matthis, a French student in preparatory class for large business schools. I needed to learn Spanish to pass a very selective contest. Therefore grammar precision, conjugation, colloquial expressions were very important to learn and manage to obtain the highest possible mark. Before going to Colombia, I had an intermediate Spanish level (B1) and made many mistakes. However, the professionalism of Ghlee teachers allowed me to sharpen my level very quickly, and with calm and pleasure.
The teachers adjust, adapt the exercises according to the will, the hopes of each one. The students are really the actors of the course, which gives us the opportunity to express ourselves and turns the lesson into something interactive, optimizing progress, especially to communicate. At first, I had planned to stay a month to study Spanish in Colombia before traveling a month in Mexico. But finally I stayed at Ghlee for two months because I was experiencing the experience I was living there and was in clear progression.
The building is very modern, we have free coffee every day, there are many spaces to work, find people - since there are several companies implanted in the different floors of the building - or enjoy organized activities. Not only do I recommend Ghlee because thanks to them I have almost achieved a C1 level in Spanish, but because Ghlee offers everyone the opportunity to live a unique and enriching experience in a country that will undoubtedly surprise you in a good way.
I am so grateful for my experience with GLEE. I came to Colombia knowing no Spanish and have two weeks of their intensive program (20 hours/week) I definitely know the basics and my comprehension is 100x better. I liked so many things about this program. For one, the director Jalsbleidy made me feel very welcomed into the program and not intimidated to learn a new language. She is extremely kind and obviously cares a lot about the student success in the program. Secondly, I loved the community of GLEE. Located in the beautiful WeWork building along the Andes Mountains, I was in a great learning environment surrounded by a lot of rich culture. Third, this program gave me the chance to connect with a lot of amazing people from different cultures that lived all over the world. I was only there for two weeks but definitely made friends for life! Fourth, my actual teacher, Steven, was amazing! He really understood my learning style and my sense of humor and incorporated pieces of my personality into learning. I did not feel like I was in a traditional school setting or that I had to reach certain milestones to progress. Steven kept at my pace and never lost patience with me. Finally, the immersive experiences offered after class were one of a kind! I did coffee tastings, salsa lessons, tried native fruits, enjoys traditional cuisine, and learned about the history of the country. I am excited to go back to Bogota one day and continue learning with GLEE. I would 100% recommend this program to anyone trying to learn Spanish!
Подробнее » Узнать больше...I liked
- the structure of the classes
- the friendly and open minded teacher and students
- the location of the School
- the effort for organizing activities
- most of the tasks during the lessons
- small groups within the classes
- recommendation about life / environment / other topics of Colombia
I don't liked
- I had to work, hence I could not attend quite often to activities because they were usually during the afternoon
Teacher - very good;
Location - excellent;
Tudo estava bien.
The location and facilities at WeWork in Usaquen is exceptional. It is clean, professional and centrally located. My personal teacher was great so I was lucky to end up with him. While he structured the class well and was a great teacher, I wish the class was accompanied with either a book or online program for after class practice, homework/additional exercises for practice with application of grammar rules in class, especially given the cost of the program. The initial information package sent from you also said there would be a book yet there has been no book, only some printed handouts. Much of the focus is on grammar, but I do wish there was also a bit more focus and practice with vocabulary. Lastly, the after class cultural activities have mostly been free activities which makes me wonder where all our money is going given how costly this program is. I have mixed feelings about this program...I like it but it has also been disappointing. If they invested a bit more in expanding on materials, content and activities I would strongly recommend it to others.
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Thank you Rumana for sharing your thoughts, we are very glad that you are happy with your teacher and the methodology that he has.
We apologize for the inconvenience that you had. About the book, we gave you a personalized book, our methodology follow the structure from Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) for each level, but we do personalize all the content for the group of students, in order to enjoy more the class and focus on their goals. So we have a Glhee Textbook made for you.
Our program for cultural activities is made monthly and run every week from Monday to Thursday( salsa lessons, yoga practice, visit museums, graffiti tour, etc) and all are included in the course fee (no pay extra during the week). The extra activities during weekends are not included and we give some advice on how to do these activities.
We were very happy to have you at our School for 4 weeks!
We wish you all the best!
Whole structure is great and a special mention to Alex very very good teacher.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...Thank you for your review! We hope to see you soon!
The classes were always personalized to my skill level and designed to promote conversational abilities. My professors had a passion for teaching language which in turn helped to build confidence in my speaking abilities. I particularly enjoyed the daily excursions where I'd get the opportunity to practice Spanish in everyday settings as well as receiving cultural lessons. The small class size was far more effective than any spanish class I had taken in school.
Подробнее » Узнать больше...I liked everything about the school. The facility is located in Wework which is a shared office concept Lots of amenities. The teachers are first rate. Intelligent and fun. Alexandra and Jas were both excellent teachers and delightful companions.
The Usaquen area is very interesting with a modern shopping center a few steps away.
I really enjoyed my stay and would highly recommend the school to anyone interested in improving their Spanish.April
I had a great experience learning Spanish at Glhee. My level beforehand wasn’t high, but already after one intensive week I could understand a lot and was also able to make conversations.
My clever teacher Alexandra assets my skills on the first day and adapted the whole language course after my abilities and wishes. She used a variety of teaching methods, like grammar exercises on paper and in online videos, reading exercises, games and loads of talking. We were mostly talking in Spanish the whole time except when there was something that I didn’t understand. Alexandra is enthusiastic and was always very patient with me and made sure I understood the things we went through.
The location of the school is also great. Usaquen is a nice part of Bogotá and the building Wework where the school is at has very nice facilities and loads of different areas to study. I enjoyed learning Spanish at Glhee and if I have the chance I’ll come back to advance my language skills.
At Glhee, learning Spanish is more than knowing the meaning of a word. You will learn the fundamentals of vocabulary and grammar while experiencing the joys of Colombian food, music, art, and wildlife. You may also have a lesson while playing ping pong!
The Glhee method of teaching Spanish in context helped even a beginner like me to better understand this beautiful language and appreciate the culture and people of Colombia.
The teachers are very dedicated and prepared for their classes. The school location on Septima in Bogota is very convenient.
We Work, where Glhee has holds its classes, is a dynamic, high-energy environment.
I would highly recommend Glhee to someone learning Spanish for the first time or an advanced speaker who wants to improve their language proficiency.
Ghlee makes learning Spanish as easy as uno, dos, tres!
We are glad to hear that your experience at Glhee was positive and that you did not learn just the langue also the culture and costume. We are very happy to welcome you anytime.
The classes were just amazing. It was a unique experience in my life which I will not forget. The teacher was always helpful, patiently and open minded. The course helped me for many situations when I was traveling through South America. I could apply the new vocabulary every day with people I have met! I really recommend the Spanish course to everyone who travels to Colombia and wants to get in touch with cool people! :-)
Подробнее » Узнать больше...Gracias por compartir tu experiencia, para nosotros también fue muy agradable tenerte en nuestro país y en nuestra escuela. Esperamos que regreses pronto.
Due to a new job I wanted to refresh my spanish skills, especially in grammar and spelling. As I always wanted to travel Colombia, I decided to study at Glhee. I didn't regret my decision. The teachers were very kind and motivating and always paid attention to my needs, so I improved a lot in just three weeks. They take their job very serious and are very concerned about quality which impressed me very much. And the delicious food from the Chef Edith Silva: Always worth a little sin...
After finishing my classes I traveled around in this beautiful country for three more weeks and it's a really breathtaking place. Thanks to the advices and help of the GLHEE team I came to really beautiful places and could participate with the people of Colombia. An unforgettable experience, a part of my heart will stay forever in this beautiful country.
Thank you for your comments! We appreciate it very much. You are welcome anytime to discover more nice and unique places in Colombia. Our teacher will be very happy to talk to you.
Мы не можем подавать на визу от имени студента. Вместе с тем, школа при необходимости пришлет вам приглашение в поддержку вашего визового заявления.
Ваше приглашение будет бесплатно выслано вам на домашний адрес обычной почтой. Если вы хотите получить его курьером, то оплата этой услуги составит $30, и заказывать ее необходимо заранее, при регистрации на курс.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Богота based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Учитесь за границей без забот, застраховав Ваше здоровье и личные вещи с помощью нашей страховкиl. Бронируя курс у нас, Вы можете выбрать расширенную страховку, которая покроет не только Ваши медицинские расходы, но и застрахует Ваши личные вещи. Страховку необходимо заказывать заранее, когда вы бронируете курс.
Global Language Education Experience