Italian Language Courses Super Intensive B

Sant'Anna Institute Sorrento Lingue


Темы курса

Восприятие на слух, речь, произношение, чтение, письменная речь, языковой запас, грамматика и внеклассный досуг


Длительность курса
1-52 недели
Даты начала курсов
Каждый понедельник (кроме тех, кто учит с нуля)
Даты начала для учащих с нуля
Каждый понедельник
Уроков в неделю
30 lessons per week (каждый урок по 50 минут)
Дни занятий
понедельник - пятница

Время занятий

You can choose from the following class times:

утренние уроки
09:00 - 12:45

Расписание может меняться в зависимости от времени года и наполненности класов.


SASL offers individual and group Italian language courses, as well as tailor-made programs for students with particular requirements (e.g. preparation for enrolment at an Italian university, Italian for business… ). online Italian lessons, cultural courses (e.g. cookery, ceramics, literature, art… ), and teacher training programs, all in the friendly, sun-kissed town of Sorrento.

As well as traditional classroom methods of education, SASL offers all students the chance to put their knowledge into practice through full immersion in an Italian environment. We consider constant contact with mother –tongue speakers to be of vital importance for a true understanding of our language and customs.

Our students’ training includes constant assessment of the level of learning, using tests and exams to check progress, feedback sessions, and actual level achieved. Once the course is over, we will provide students with a certificate of attendance and instructions so that they can carry on their studies on their own.

Consists of the standard 20 group lesson hours per week, from 09:00 until 12.40, and 10 individual afternoon hours per week with a focus on conversation or culture.


Все уровни, от Beginner до Advanced
В первый день вас протестируют и определят уровень. Вы также можете сдать этот тест до вашего приезда в Сорренто.

Размер класса

Максимум 12 человек

Возраст учеников

Возрастной диапазон от 18 лет и старше


Выдается сертификат об окончании курса.
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  • Sant'Anna Institute Sorrento Lingue 1/13
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100% рекомендуют

на основании 3 отзывов
5 звезд
4 звезды
3 звезды
2 звезды
1 звезда
Качество обучения
Расположение школы

"Well organized course with skilled teachers"

Birgit Kirkensgaard Hansen, Дания

I had a total of 15 lessons: 10 in the morning, where we were two participants, and 5 lessons of individual teaching in the afternoon. It was good teaching that suited my level.

I was well prepared thanks to the 4 week online course at Babbel. Therefore I was very pleased to be placed in the class at the higher level out of the two classes. The other participant and I were at roughly the same level, and the teachers were good at giving us the challenges we needed.

The individual teaching in the afternoon was a really good opportunity to work with precisely what I needed.
One of the teachers was absolutely fantastic and educational, the other was also good, whereas the third was a bit more routine.

All in all I was very satisfied with the course. Even though it only lasted a week, I actually felt able to communicate more freely in Italian when I went out on my own.

I was generally satisfied with the home stay. The family was friendly, but busy and not particularly interested in talking to me. But it was ok.

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Моя оценка этой школы

Качество обучения
Расположение школы
Время обучения
22 Aug 2022 - 26 Aug 2022
Вы рекомендуете эту школу?
Это проверенный отзыв. Студент бронировал курс в данной школе через агентство Language International.

"An enriching,stimulating experience with well organized and serious courses given by good teachers."

Vân Demottaz, Швейцария

I I had a very decent accommodation in a resident's apartment, 20-25 minutes walk from the institute, through the city centre.
After the morning welcome , the first day, we were divided into classes of different levels ( 3 to 5 students per class)

All the teachers were kind, patient, stimulating and attentive.
I did appreciate the activities which were proposed during the first week, but there were less activities for the second week...

I liked the level of the courses. I found that it allowed me to make good progress in two weeks. I wish I had stayed longer.
I don't have any negative criticism.

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Моя оценка этой школы

Качество обучения
Расположение школы
Длительность обучения
1 неделя
Время обучения
7 Oct 2019 - 18 Oct 2019
Вы рекомендуете эту школу?
Это проверенный отзыв. Студент бронировал курс в данной школе через агентство Language International.

"Good teachers, interesting students and a learning situation without any fooling around."

Peter Lazzaro, США

The teachers were very experienced and well trained in their area of expertise. The more I think about it, the more I appreciate their expertise. In particular, Armando had a sense of humor but was also serious in his expectations of the students. I must say that I would have liked to have focused more on speaking in the passage prossimo, which is more within my comfort zone and we did begin each day with that by speaking about what we did the previous day in our free time. However, he also introduced additional verb tenses which I was less familiar with and therefore had to work a little harder with respect to studying after class and I was expecting a more relaxed vacation type experience. This was like taking a college course which is fine because this is the only way to make progress in learning the language.

I my free time I was able to do all of the things that I had hoped to do. My accommodations at the Palazzo Marziale were outstanding (I have stayed there several years ago) and the entire staff was friendly, spoke English fluently and made me feel at home.
I short, my trip could not have been better. I only wish that the flight from NY to Rome was not so long.

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Моя оценка этой школы

Качество обучения
Расположение школы
Длительность обучения
1 неделя
Время обучения
14 Oct 2019 - 25 Oct 2019
Вы рекомендуете эту школу?
Это проверенный отзыв. Студент бронировал курс в данной школе через агентство Language International.


SASL предлагает следующие типы жилья:

Проживание в семье - 2-местная комната - Завтрак


Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast - 2 students must book together

Возрастной диапазон: 18 - 99 лет
Расположение: In the city center of Сорренто
Тип жилья: Проживание в семье
Тип номера: 2-местная комната
Питание: Завтрак (6 раз в неделю)
Оснащение: Прачечная, отопление, и круглосуточный консьерж
Расстояние до школы: 5 - 35 минут на прогулка
Доступность: Январь - Декабрь
Дни приезда: воскресенье, после 03:00
Дни отъезда: суббота, до 10:00
Ограничения: 2 человека должны бронировать вместе
Host Family Accommodation

There’s no better way to immerse yourself in Italian language and culture than to spend time living with an Italian family. For those who want to stay with a host family, we can book single or double (if available) rooms. You can choose from bed and breakfast or half-board (breakfast and evening meal) with carefully chosen families. It will also be an excellent opportunity for you to practice the language on a daily basis and to sample the delights of Italian home cooking. Double rooms are available only for students who are traveling together.

Проживание в семье - 1-мест. комната - Завтрак


Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast

Возрастной диапазон: 18 - 99 лет
Расположение: In the city center of Сорренто
Тип жилья: Проживание в семье
Тип номера: 1-мест. комната
Питание: Завтрак (6 раз в неделю)
Оснащение: Бесплатный интернет, кондиционер, и круглосуточный консьерж
Расстояние до школы: 5 - 35 минут на прогулка
Доступность: Январь - Декабрь
Дни приезда: воскресенье, после 03:00
Дни отъезда: суббота, до 11:00
Host Family Accommodation

There’s no better way to immerse yourself in Italian language and culture than to spend time living with an Italian family. For those who want to stay with a host family, we can book single or double (if available) rooms. You can choose from bed and breakfast or half-board (breakfast and evening meal) with carefully chosen families. It will also be an excellent opportunity for you to practice the language on a daily basis and to sample the delights of Italian home cooking. Double rooms are available only for students who are traveling together.

Проживание в семье - 1-мест. комната - Завтрак и ужин


Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner

Возрастной диапазон: 18 - 99 лет
Расположение: In the city center of Сорренто
Тип жилья: Проживание в семье
Тип номера: 1-мест. комната
Питание: Завтрак и ужин (12 раз в неделю)
Оснащение: Прачечная и круглосуточный консьерж
Расстояние до школы: 5 - 35 минут на прогулка
Доступность: Январь - Декабрь
Дни приезда: воскресенье, после 03:00
Дни отъезда: суббота, до 10:00
Host Family Accommodation

There’s no better way to immerse yourself in Italian language and culture than to spend time living with an Italian family. For those who want to stay with a host family, we can book single or double (if available) rooms. You can choose from bed and breakfast or half-board (breakfast and evening meal) with carefully chosen families. It will also be an excellent opportunity for you to practice the language on a daily basis and to sample the delights of Italian home cooking. Double rooms are available only for students who are traveling together.

Визовая поддержка

Мы не можем подавать на визу от имени студента. Вместе с тем, школа при необходимости пришлет вам приглашение в поддержку вашего визового заявления.

Ваше приглашение будет бесплатно выслано вам на домашний адрес обычной почтой. Если вы хотите получить его курьером, то оплата этой услуги составит 40 €, и заказывать ее необходимо заранее, при регистрации на курс.

Перелет и трансфер

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Сорренто based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Туристическая страховка

Учитесь за границей без забот, застраховав Ваше здоровье и личные вещи с помощью нашей страховкиl. Бронируя курс у нас, Вы можете выбрать расширенную страховку, которая покроет не только Ваши медицинские расходы, но и застрахует Ваши личные вещи. Страховку необходимо заказывать заранее, когда вы бронируете курс.

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