Junior Standard Course + Activities + Residence - Twin Room - Full Board

Sprachcaffe Toronto


Темы курса

Восприятие на слух, речь, произношение, чтение, письменная речь, языковой запас и грамматика


Длительность курса
2-8 недель
Даты начала курсов
Каждый понедельник
Уроков в неделю
20 lessons per week (каждый урок по 45 минут)
Дни занятий
понедельник - пятница

Время занятий

утренние уроки
09:00 - 12:30
уроки после обеда
13:00 - 14:30

Расписание может меняться в зависимости от времени года и наполненности класов.


A dynamic course which gives our students just the boost they need to become more confident in their language skills. Our courses place a lot of emphasis on fluency, and our teachers use discussions, debates, games, role plays, as well as authentic learning materials appealing to groups. Classes also revise and build on previously learnt grammar and develop students' vocabulary.

Topics: Grammar, phonology, vocabulary, emphasis on communicative methods of learning, cultural and social topics

The learning journey continues as soon as classes finish! With our comprehensive leisure programme students have the opportunity to really discover their chosen destination. A two-week language course generally includes a big variety of activities plus at least 1 full-day excursion and 2 half-day excursions. Of course, students are also given some free time to socialise in the afternoons and evenings!

Some of the activities included in the Toronto Leisure Program include sports, sightseeing, outlet shopping,
hikes, cinema, barbecue, international student parties and many more activities.


Все уровни, от Beginner до Advanced
В первый день вас протестируют и определят уровень. Вы также можете сдать этот тест до вашего приезда в Торонто.

Размер класса

Максимум 15 человек

Возраст учеников

Возрастной диапазон 14 - 21 год


Выдается сертификат об окончании курса.
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100% рекомендуют

на основании 4 отзывов
5 звезд
4 звезды
3 звезды
2 звезды
1 звезда
Качество обучения
Расположение школы

"An unforgettable and truly interesting expérience."

Mahé Luna Fantine PINTORI, Франция

I really enjoyed those three week.

We were well supervised in class as during the activities. Teaching and really suitable for students. The classes are very good if the sound insulation is to be redone. The location of the school is perfect because next to the city centre and 20 minutes from the lake! This is really ideal for visiting the city without paying for public transport.

As for the activities on offer, I found them well missing a departure party even if the pimp my flag existe.

My host family was very good although I regret not having played or activities with them.

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Моя оценка этой школы

Качество обучения
Расположение школы
Длительность обучения
2 недели
Время обучения
15 Jul 2019 - 2 Aug 2019
Вы рекомендуете эту школу?
Это проверенный отзыв. Студент бронировал курс в данной школе через агентство Language International.

"I had a wonderful experience in Toronto, especially at my homestay and in the school where I met very nice people and learned a lot."

Phuc Lanh Nguyen, Германия

I only had great experience at GEOS Toronto.

- Classes and teachers: Teaching is interactive, interesting, and engaging. The teachers I had were all motivated and made so many efforts in order to convey knowledge to students. I was able not only to improve my English (pronounciation, intonation) but also learned a lot in other fields (finance, politics, job application). All the staff always are in a good mood.
- Location: School was easy to reach
- Facilities: Everything was fine, all media were employed in an efficient manner
- Activiites: I took part in the excursion to French Canada. Quebec is such a beautiful place, but a little bit cold :)
- Housing: I had a great time which I spent with my host family. They are very warm-hearted and hospitable people. They took care of me very well and always have a good advice for me when I was travelling. Their house is located in a quiet neighborhood, easyly to reach by public transport. I talked to them very much, so that I could improve my spoken English.

Thank you.

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Моя оценка этой школы

Качество обучения
Расположение школы
Длительность обучения
2 недели
Время обучения
7 Jan 2019 - 25 Jan 2019
Вы рекомендуете эту школу?
Это проверенный отзыв. Студент бронировал курс в данной школе через агентство Language International.

"Extremely didactic, he explored all areas of English learning."

Carla Cardoso Lopes, Бразилия

I really enjoyed the course, especially the teacher who is very encouraging and didactic.

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Моя оценка этой школы

Качество обучения
Расположение школы
Длительность обучения
3 недели
Время обучения
1 Oct 2018 - 26 Oct 2018
Вы рекомендуете эту школу?
Это проверенный отзыв. Студент бронировал курс в данной школе через агентство Language International.

"An amazing experience, that can change a lot in the, near, future."

Tom Dekker, Нидерланды

The classes were nice and clean, just a little small.
The teachers were always nice to us and even hanged out after school with some of them.
The location was fine, nothing special.
The facilities were very good; a kitchen to heat up lunch, a Candy machine, a soda machine, a fountain for hot and cold water the only thing were the toilets; boys was not clean and girls always had to wait a long time or use the one of the teachers.
activities were not that great to me...

liked (the most); classmates
disliked (the most); that the classmates didn't spoke English, at school.

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Моя оценка этой школы

Качество обучения
Расположение школы
Длительность обучения
7 недель
Время обучения
30 Oct 2017 - 22 Dec 2017
Вы рекомендуете эту школу?
Это проверенный отзыв. Студент бронировал курс в данной школе через агентство Language International.


Sprachcaffe Toronto предлагает следующие типы жилья:

Общежитие - 2-местная комната - Завтрак, обед и ужин


Junior Residence - Twin Room - Full Board

Возрастной диапазон: от 14 лет и старше
Расположение: In the city center of Торонто
Тип жилья: Общежитие (вне кампуса)
Тип номера: 2-местная комната
Питание: Завтрак, обед и ужин (21 раз в неделю)
Расстояние до школы: 10 - 20 минут на прогулка
Доступность: Январь - Декабрь
Дни приезда: воскресенье, в любое время
Дни отъезда: суббота, в любое время
At a residence students stay closer to school than they would with a homestay, which means less time travelling and more time enjoying their surroundings. If you choose to stay in a residence you get to stay with other language students from all over the world, allowing you to put your new language skills to use in a thoroughly international environment. Our Teamers also stay at the residence.

Визовая поддержка

Мы не можем подавать на визу от имени студента. Вместе с тем, школа при необходимости пришлет вам приглашение в поддержку вашего визового заявления.

Ваше приглашение будет бесплатно отправлено обычной почтой на указанный вами адрес.

Перелет и трансфер

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Торонто based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Туристическая страховка

Учитесь за границей без забот, застраховав Ваше здоровье и личные вещи с помощью нашей страховкиl. Бронируя курс у нас, Вы можете выбрать расширенную страховку, которая покроет не только Ваши медицинские расходы, но и застрахует Ваши личные вещи. Страховку необходимо заказывать заранее, когда вы бронируете курс.

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