Семьи тщательно отбираются и дают студентам возможность больше узнать о местной культуре в комфортабельной обстановке, изучая Aнглийский язык в Голд-Косте. Чаще всего семьи расположены в 10 - 25 минутах пути общественным транспортом от школы. Семьи обычно предлагают питание по весьма привлекательной цене, что позволит вам познакомиться с местной кухней. Если у вас есть особые требования или диетические ограничения (по религиозным или медицинским причинам), пожалуйста, предупредите нас заранее. Заезд в в жилье происходит в воскресенье накануне первого дня занятий и заканчивается в субботу после последнего дня занятий, если не указано иное. Узнать больше о Проживание в семье
AICOL удобно расположен всего в 3 минутах ходьбы от торгового центра Australia Fair в центральном деловом районе Саутпорт, где находится более 200 специализированных магазинов и международный фуд-холл. Школа находится всего в 45 минутах езды от национального парка Ламингтон, внесенного в список всемирного наследия.
Новый железнодорожный трамвай Голд-Кост, соединяющий Саутпорт с Университетом Гриффит, Серферс-рай и Бродбич, был только что завершен и обеспечивает очень удобный вид общественного транспорта рядом с нашей школой. Новый Водный Центр Голд-Коста также был недавно построен и находится прямо напротив нашей школы. Там проходили недавние чемпионаты Пан Тихоокеанского плавания, и Игры Содружества 2018 года также будут сосредоточены на Саутпорте и Голд-Кост.
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Our course is delivered at the Australia Vietnam School of English
in Ho Chi Minh City, which is owned and operated by
an Australian, and which is a fully registered English language school in
All our courses are delivered on the Gold Coast of Queensland, Australia, apart from our TESOL course which is delivered in Vietnam and Cambodia.
The course is registered in Australia, but we have decided at this stage to
only deliver it in Vietnam through the Australia Vietnam School of English.
We have enquiries before to offer the course in Australia, but the numbers
have never been enough to run the course. This is because we refuse to
discount our fees to compete with other providers in Australia. So, to
answer your question at this stage we are not running the course in
In fact we get quite a few Australians doing the course in Vietnam, especially those who are perhaps looking for a change of life, or have retired and want to stay active, or even those who have lost their jobs and want to retrain.
1. This is not correct. Our Young Learner course is from 6-12 years however we offer courses for all ages from 6 years through to adults, parents and grandparents. The 14 year old would probably be best suited to our High School Preparation course which is the same price as the Young Learner course.
2. Yes our YL course and HSP course runs all year.
Yes, we could arrange for the whole family to live together in the same homestay family if they are studying at AICOL.
1. Students can study for up to 12 weeks on a tourist visa.
2. This depends on the date of birth, the maturity of the child and whether the mother will also study at our school? Once I know the birth date I can give you more information.
3. Regarding accommodation, perhaps the most convenient would be Rays Resort which is only three blocks away. Huntington apartments are very close to Australia Fair shopping centre. Another apartment block within walking distance is Palmerson Towers and a bit further away is Aqualine Apartments.
1. Students can study for up to 12 weeks on a tourist visa.
2. This depends on the date of birth, the maturity of the child and whether the mother will also study at our school? Once I know the birth date I can give you more information.
3. Regarding accommodation, perhaps the most convenient would be Rays Resort which is only three blocks away. Huntington apartments are very close to Australia Fair shopping centre. Another apartment block within walking distance is Palmerson Towers and a bit further away is Aqualine Apartments.
Yes, the student can stay in homestay an extra night for a fee.
Unfortunately we are not able to accept a 15 year old student. The minimum age required is 16.
I regret to say that I have only received notice of your question., Yes, we accept students 15 years of age. In fact we accept students from as young as 6 years of age, both on tourist and on student visas.