MFH International Institute

Levels 3,4&6 Grand Central Tower, 76~86 Manners Street, Wellington CBD 6011, Wellington, New Zealand

Все курсы

MFH International Institute предлагает следующие типы курсов:



  • Classes at MFH International Institute 1/6
  • Класс в MFH International Institute 2/6
  • Стойка регистрации в MFH International Institute 3/6
  • Компьютерный класс в MFH International Institute 4/6
  • MFH International Institute 5/6
  • MFH International Institute 6/6


100% рекомендуют

на основании 2 отзывов
5 звезд
4 звезды
3 звезды
2 звезды
1 звезда
Качество обучения
Расположение школы

"It is really great!"

Naveen Suthar

I'm a student here of GDSM level - 7 and the way of teaching is very good. Moreover, the main thing is that I can properly understand the study material. It is very important because I studied in a different atmosphere and in a different type of education system, but when I arrived here in Wellington, especially at MFH, I met with James. He is a wonderful person and I think that he is the backbone of MFH because when we first came to MFH he was the person who represented MFH. He will help to provide a good job for me in Wellington. Besides this the rest of the staff is also very, very good; they are always all ready to help. Location is very good.

Finally, I love MFH and I give 10 out of 10 in everything to MFH.

Thanks for your consideration!

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Моя оценка этой школы

Качество обучения
Расположение школы
Длительность обучения
53 недели
Время обучения
3 Mar 2014 - 11 Mar 2015
Вы рекомендуете эту школу?

"It is like a family to me"

Rose Jin

I am currently doing a private tuition course with MFH in IELTS, and strategic management. I have not finished either of them, but I think so far so good.

The private tutor Ben is a very good teacher. He is helping me to achieve my goals in IELTS, step by step. I found after the class that my writing and speaking improved heaps. I am still doing the classes with him, but I quite like him so far; he is friendly and very knowledgeable.

The strategic management course just started not long ago, and I am enjoying it so far. I like the tutor Rob heaps; he is very patient, very efficient in replying emails, and quite experienced.

I do not have a lot to say about improvement of the school so far, but I think more social events would be good :)

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Моя оценка этой школы

Качество обучения
Расположение школы
Длительность обучения
4 недели
Время обучения
3 Mar 2014 - 1 Apr 2014
Вы рекомендуете эту школу?

Визовая поддержка

Мы не можем подавать на визу от имени студента.

Перелет и трансфер

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Веллингтон based on your budget, schedule and preferences.

Туристическая страховка

Учитесь за границей без забот, застраховав Ваше здоровье и личные вещи с помощью нашей страховкиl. Бронируя курс у нас, Вы можете выбрать расширенную страховку, которая покроет не только Ваши медицинские расходы, но и застрахует Ваши личные вещи. Страховку необходимо заказывать заранее, когда вы бронируете курс.

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Levels 3,4&6 Grand Central Tower, 76~86 Manners Street, Wellington CBD 6011

New Zealand

Расположение школы

Международный институт MFH International Institute расположен в самом центре делового района Веллингтона. Он находится в нескольких минутах ходьбы от трех основных районов: улицы Куба, набережной Лэмптон, Кортни Плейс.


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