The teachers at UPB are fun loving professionals who know that the most effective way to learn is not only with traditional teaching methods, but also by providingthe students with exciting, engaging learning experiences. Approach We know our students, and the lessons are always catered to suit them individually so that they can get the most out of their lessons. UPB uses a wide range of methods to attain the best possible class for all of our students. We apply games, puzzles, unsuaual topics, and a wide variety of methods in addition to more traditional lessons in order to keep students intrigued and enthusiastic about learning. Lessons Students have plenty of choices when it comes to choosing a lesson plan. Our private lessons are ideal for those who need a more one on one approach to their studies. Duo lessons are also ideal for those friends who would like to learn together, or if you're feeling daring and want to meet another student to share your journey. Our group lessons provide a fun, engaging way to meet others, and to explore learning a new language with people from all walks of life. No one student is the same, and we understand that giving students options is the first step to successful learning.
преподаватель отличный, мне понравилась методика занятий. я сильно поправился more
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