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Курсы английского языка в Нью-Йорке с Language International
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Курсы английского языка в Лос-Анджелесе с Language International
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Курсы английского языка в Лос-Анджелесе с Language International


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Курсы английского языка в Сан-Франциско с Language International


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Курсы английского языка в Нью-Йорке с Language International
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Курсы английского языка в Буффало с Language International


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Курсы английского языка в Орландо с Language International


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Курсы английского языка в Форт Лодердейле с Language International


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ТИПЫ КУРСОВ английского языка ЯЗЫКА

Какой тип курса английского языка вы ищете?


Общий курсы английского языка

Генеральный курсы английского языка для взрослых, которые хотят улучшить свои говорения, аудирования, чтения и письма на английском языке. Курсы обычно рассчитаны на возраст от 16 и старше. Есть курсы длительностью от 2 до 48 недель, обычно интенсивные курсы !in !region включает 30 уроков в неделю.


Детские курсы английского языка

Детские курсы английского языка идеально подходит детям и подросткам, желающим изучать английский язык. Курсы обычно длятся от 2 до 8 недель с июня по август.


Курсы английского языка. Подготовка к тестам

Курсы английский языка: подготовка к экзаменам предназначены для студентов, которые хотят подготовиться к английский тесты для улучшения перспектив трудоустройства или поступления в университет.


Деловые курсы английского языка

Один-на-один бизнес-уроки на английском для деловых людей и профессионалов, которые хотят выучить английский язык как можно быстрее с частным учителем английского языка языка.

Подготовка учителей

Курсы английского языка подготовка учителей

Курсы английский языка: подготовка учителей - предназначены для преподавателей, заинтересованных в преподавании английский языка за рубежом. Существует огромный спрос на квалифицированных преподавателей английский языка по всему миру.


Профессиональные курсы английского языка

Профессиональные курсы английского языка предназначены для профессионалов, которые хотят изучать английский язык в конкретных областях, таких как бизнес, медицина, юриспруденция, авиация и гостеприимство.

Учеба и работа

Английского языка для программы work and study

Курсы для участников программ Work-study - подходят для людей, которые хотят выучить английский язык и получить опыт работы по специальности.


Специальные курсы английского языка

Специальные курсы английского языка для тех, кто хочет изучать английский язык и принять участие в спортивных, кулинарных и прочих мероприятиях.

Вопросы и ответы

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"Do you have a maximum age for students?"

Dyan Test, учеников из США
No we don't.
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"Is it possible for a student on a tourist visa to book a 4-month course?"

Bruna Messias, учеников из Бразилия
Yes this is possible.
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"Can you waive the express mailing fee if the student is living locally? Also, can you advise on how a student changes their visa status from 'tourist' to 'student'?"

Ana Rocha, персонал школы inlingua
There will not be any express fee as we’ll mail it to DHS. The student has to be in the US for at least 3 months and has to apply at least 45 days before the I94 expires. The process will take minimum 3-4 mos and it can be up to 7-8 months. In the meantime student cannot study or leave the country
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"Can a student apply for a student visa for the semi-intensive course?"

Yes, he SHOULD apply for the student visa as ELS’s Semi-Intensive Program is considered to be an “academic program” per number of hours per week. Therefore, foreign visitors who enter the US with the primary purpose of study in this program are recommended to apply for the appropriate student visa.
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"If a student has a tourist visa, can she take miss one hour lesson per week to stay within the tourist visa study guidellines?"

Dyan Test, учеников из США
Yes, she has the option of taking the regular ELS course, with one day of the week as an optional day.
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"Is your school officially recognised by the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM)? And is it possible for a student to initially pay their course fees and then apply for sponshorship from SACM?"

Language Systems , персонал школы Language Systems International
Yes the schools is officially recongised by SACM. As for payment, the student will need to study and pay for their school at least 4 month (16 weeks) before SACM will approve the scholarship. Also, students will need to start their application for SACM scholarship befoire they start classes in our school.
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"Is it possible to study 15 hours a week on a tourist visa?"

Cristian Restrepo Trujillo, учеников из Колумбия
Yes it is.
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"Can a student be issued with an I-20 if they wish to study for 52 weeks? Also, what are the requirements?"

Bruna Messias, учеников из Бразилия
Yes, the student can be issued an I-20 for 52 weeks of study. We will need the following to make the I-20: - Copy of student's passport - A recent bank statement(must have at least $3000 USD) - Application (including student's email for communication only after the student begins classes at Connect) - Payment for the fees listed - Address in the student's home country where the I-20 documents can be sent via FedEx STREET ADDRESS: APARTMENT/UNIT: CITY: STATE/PROVINCE: POSTAL CODE: COUNTRY: TELEPHONE NUMBER:
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"Is it possible for a student to take a 17-hour course and not require an I-20?"

Yes. A student can take a 17-hour course without requiring an I-20.
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"Does a student require an F1 visa to study a semi-intensive course?"

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"What does ELS need to receive before it can issue an I-20?"

Julio Cesar Montes, учеников из Куба
ELS will need to receive the completed proof of funds form first.
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"Can you issue an I-20 for a student for 48 weeks?"

Yes we can issue an I-20 for this student for 48 weeks, and yes we can send it to them as long as the shipping is paid for first.
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"If a student has a green card and lives in the US, do they require Insurance to attend ELS?"

Dyan Test, учеников из США
ELS requires all students to have health insurance. Our insurance is not eligible to green card holders, so they would need to organise their own.
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"Does a student require an F1 student visa for the Elementary 16-week course?"

The student does not require an F1 visa, but if he does apply for one, he needs our I-20 and acceptance letter.
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"Do transfer students require an I-20?"

Dyan Test, учеников из США
Transfer students do not need a new I-20 when they apply because their current I-20 will be released to LSI. They will only need a transfer form and acceptance letter. Then once the students have successfully started the program at LSI, they will be issued a new LSI I-20 which will maintain their student status. However, please make sure previous to the application that the student's I-20 is *in status and are eligible to transfer*. Otherwise, students will not be able to register as transfer students.
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"What courses are available to students that are not holders of a student visa?"

Students that are not holders of a student visa can only participate in part time courses - 15 hours or less.
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"Will you accept students from Venezuela? If so what is the procedure?"

Yes we can. We are familiar with CADIVI. We are happy to help students with the necessary documents needed to get the scholarship. We provide an acceptance letter and a verification of enrollment letter which outlines the students class schedule, and a description of the courses. Typically, the student would be responsible for translating all the documents/information into Spanish and we would sign off on it.
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"Can you send I-20 documents to a prospecitve student in Saudi Arabia?"

Yes this is possible?
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"Will a student incur additional fees if they require extra documents for CADAVI?"

Ana Rocha, персонал школы inlingua
No they will not.
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"Can a student with a J1 visa transfer to an F1 from within the US - or does she have to return to China to re-apply?"

Our ELS center might be able to advise this student on the transfer process. However, she would not be legally permitted to study until the entire visa transfer process is completed. It is not legal to study during the pending process and it can sometimes take over 4 months. So if Ms. Chen wants to do the process within the US, we can recommend that she go and get assistance directly from the ELS Center. However, if she doesn’t want to wait for many months without being permitted to study, she would want to consider going back to China and applying for the visa there.
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"What are the visa requirements to study at ELS?"

Farid Mahmoud, учеников из Саудовская
ELS recommends that all of our students enter the country with an F-1 student visa. Current government regulations state that all foreigners who enter the United States for the primary purpose of study must have an F-1student visa. The immigrations officer at the point of entry will be the person who decides if a foreign visitor is eligible to enter the country. There could be serious problems for an individual who attempts to enter the country on a tourist visa if the point of entry officer determines that the primary reason for their entry into the country is not that of a tourist. This is not to say that someone who legitimately enters the United States on a tourist visa cannot study with ELS. The determining factor for Immigration and ELS is the primary reason the foreign visitor is entering into this country. If it is clear that the individual is truly in the country for tourism, then they may be eligible to study for a limited time in most any of our programs, however there can be no academic credit given for the course take
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"When do you need an ESTA?"

Joël Roche, учеников из Франция
The ESTA is for tourists (not for students.) ELS recommends that all of our students enter the country with an F-1 student visa. Current government regulations state that all foreigners who enter the United States for the primary purpose of study must have an F-1student visa. The immigrations officer at the point of entry will be the person who decides if a foreign visitor is eligible to enter the country. There could be serious problems for an individual who attempts to enter the country on a tourist visa if the point of entry officer determines that the primary reason for their entry into the country is not that of a tourist. This is not to say that someone who legitimately enters the United States on a tourist visa cannot study with ELS. The determining factor for Immigration and ELS is the primary reason the foreign visitor is entering into this country. If it is clear that the individual is truly in the country for tourism, then they may be eligible to study for a limited time in most any of our programs, however there can be no academic credit given for the course taken.
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"Will you accept a student who will be starting a 4-week course a week late?"

Dyan Test, учеников из США
Yes, the Houston Clear Lake center will accept this student. Please make sure that he and his family fully understand the disadvantages of the late start. He will be starting 1 week behind the other students and it will be challenging for him. *Also, the state of Texas has VERY strict immunization regulations. So Tadeusz will need to have the completed required Meningitis vaccination forms when he arrives at the center. He will NOT be permitted to study without them. ELS sends these forms in the student welcome package. You can also access them in the downloads section of SuperService. You just need to go to the USA “center specific” health and immunization forms. The one for Texas centers is the VERY first one at the top.
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"Can you provide clarification regarding Visas required at ELS?"

liateresa zenere, учеников из Италия
Visa Classification Quick Reference Chart ELS PROGRAM Recommended Visa Form I-20 Issued? Classification Description of Stay in the USA · English for Academic Purposes · General English · Semi-Intensive English · The Complete Prep Program for the TOEFL® iBT · Business English Program · CELTA Teacher Training Certificate Program Student Visa (F-1) Yes These are full-time courses of study designed for language students with educational and/or professional objectives, e.g. preparing for college or university study. During this person's stay in the USA, he/she would be considered a student taking a full course of study. · Youth Programs · Summer in New York City at ELS/Juilliard · American Explorer Tourist Visa or Visa Waiver No These programs are designed for individuals who are visiting the USA with the intention of spending the majority of their time engaged in recreational activities outside of classes, such as shopping, sports, leisure and tourism. During this person's stay, he/she would be considered to be a camper participating in a camp, or a visitor participating in a recreational program including some language classes. The individual would not be considered a student taking a full course of study. · Super-Intensive English · English for Executives Student Visa (F-1) or Business Visa (B-1) or Visa Waiver (WB) Yes These specialized training programs are designed for company-sponsored business professionals. During this person's stay, he/she would be considered to be a professional engaging in business training. Any of the above Other Visa Types No Individuals who are going to the USA for purposes other than study, business or tourism with another visa may be able to study on a part-time or full-time basis at ELS during their stay. Direct questions to Central Admissions. While in the USA, this person would be engaged in an activity other than study, tourism, or business and taking some classes incidental to that status. Full Time study by spouses (F-2) of an F-1 visa holder should seek to enter with an F-1 visa or change status to F-1.
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"Although you are not accepting Saudi students, will you accept an American student of Saudi descent? She has a US passport."

Yes this is fine since the student is an American citizen.
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"If a student has 2 months left on his passport, can he apply for a visa with that passport and then take another one? Can the student go on a tourist visa in June, leave after 3 months and then re-enter on a student visa?"

Bruna Messias, учеников из Бразилия
The student would need to check with US Embassy regarding applying for a visa on his current passport. The Semi-Intensive Program is considered an academic program and any foreign visitor entering the US with the primary purpose of study should have the appropriate student visa. This is not to say that a student legitimately entering for tourism cannot study with ELS for a limited time. However the visa for entry should match the foreign visitor’s primary purpose of entering the US In summary, when the student enters the US to study, he must have the correct visa.
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"Can you advise on the conditions when a student needs to apply for an F1 or an F2 visa?"

Visa Classification Quick Reference Chart ELS PROGRAM Recommended Visa Form I-20 Issued? Classification Description of Stay in the USA · English for Academic Purposes · General English · Semi-Intensive English · The Complete Prep Program for the TOEFL® iBT · Business English Program · CELTA Teacher Training Certificate Program Student Visa (F-1) Yes These are full-time courses of study designed for language students with educational and/or professional objectives, e.g. preparing for college or university study. During this person's stay in the USA, he/she would be considered a student taking a full course of study. · Youth Programs · Summer in New York City at ELS/Juilliard · American Explorer Tourist Visa or Visa Waiver No These programs are designed for individuals who are visiting the USA with the intention of spending the majority of their time engaged in recreational activities outside of classes, such as shopping, sports, leisure and tourism. During this person's stay, he/she would be considered to be a camper participating in a camp, or a visitor participating in a recreational program including some language classes. The individual would not be considered a student taking a full course of study. · Super-Intensive English · English for Executives Student Visa (F-1) or Business Visa (B-1) or Visa Waiver (WB) Yes These specialized training programs are designed for company-sponsored business professionals. During this person's stay, he/she would be considered to be a professional engaging in business training. Any of the above Other Visa Types No Individuals who are going to the USA for purposes other than study, business or tourism with another visa may be able to study on a part-time or full-time basis at ELS during their stay. Direct questions to Central Admissions. While in the USA, this person would be engaged in an activity other than study, tourism, or business and taking some classes incidental to that status. Full Time study by spouses (F-2) of an F-1 visa holder should seek to enter with an F-1 visa or change status to F-1
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"Is there a ban for students from Saudi Arabia?"

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"Can a student study for 52 weeks on a tourist visa?"

Elman Sofiyev, персонал школы SOLEX College
No, they will need a student's visa.
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