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Курсы французского языка В Сан-Паулу с Language International
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Курсы французского языка В Сан-Паулу с Language International


1 школы

ТИПЫ КУРСОВ французского языка ЯЗЫКА

Какой тип курса французского языка вы ищете?

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"Would it be possible to you to send the visa supporting documents to the students after the first amount of payment if they want to pay installments?"

Shreyans Jain, персонал школы Skill Idiomas Jundiai
It is possible to send the visa supporting documents for the student. It can be done by email or regular mail postage.
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"Do you have any idea whether or not Russian citizens can work while in Brazil when they come to study? So that they can help themselves pay for the course?"

Валерия Домашенко, учеников из Россия
Marcia Camisa, персонал школы Fast Forward Language and Cultural Institute
No, its not possible to work in Brasil without a working visa
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