Our German learning program is offered in three levels i.e., Basic, Intermediate and Advance as per the need of the student. We will start with familiarizing you with the history and culture of the country so that you get acquainted with the country. Teaching will go through the basic structure of the language, the modes of expressions, sentence formations, reading, comprehending texts, writing, comprehending, writing etc. A good workable knowledge of the language in LRWS (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking) and about the country is gained through this program. Our features: Quality is our first priority. The course fee is affordable. Good learning environment.
The school is situated in New Delhi, the capital of India. It is located near International Airport and can easily reached by Metro. Our German learning program is offered in three levels i.e., Basic, Intermediate and Advance as per the need of the student. We will start with familiarizing you with the history and culture of the country so that you get acquainted with the country. Teaching will go through the basic structure of the language, the modes of expressions, sentence formations, reading, comprehending texts, writing, comprehending, writing etc. A good workable knowledge of the language in LRWS (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking) and about the country is gained through this program. Our features: Quality is our first priority. The course fee is affordable. Good learning environment.
Будь вы студент, бизнесмен или турист, для вас найдется подходящий курс в Нью-Дели. Есть курсы немецкого языка любой длительности, для всех уровней влдаения языком и для любого возраста. Чтобы начать, просто выберите курс из списка ниже.
Генеральный курсы немецкого языка для взрослых, которые хотят улучшить свои говорения, аудирования, чтения и письма на английском языке. Курсы обычно рассчитаны на возраст от 16 и старше. Есть курсы длительностью от 2 до 48 недель, обычно интенсивные курсы в Нью-Дели включает 30 уроков в неделю.