Iberlínguas was born on August 2011, on a beautiful sunny afternoon, in Lisbon. Now we are setting a new location, in the heart of Coimbra, a beautiful second home for our students! We love to see our students feel at home and so we try to make each day a special day. Over the years, we created a strong, determined and professional team. We have been forming students and making our home into a large family that, little by little, is spreading throughout the world. We strive to be better and bigger every day, but never forgetting to look at each student as a unique being and with particular needs. It is with great pride that we hear the students' first sentences. When we can talk to them about trivial or serious issues, we feel that what we do is not a job, but a passion. We always say goodbye with a hug and somehow, they never go away. They will forever be part of us. And that's what sets us apart: being the great Iberlínguas family.
Будь вы студент, бизнесмен или турист, для вас найдется подходящий курс в Коимбра. Есть курсы португальского языка любой длительности, для всех уровней влдаения языком и для любого возраста. Чтобы начать, просто выберите курс из списка ниже.
Генеральный курсы португальского языка для взрослых, которые хотят улучшить свои говорения, аудирования, чтения и письма на английском языке. Курсы обычно рассчитаны на возраст от 16 и старше. Есть курсы длительностью от 2 до 48 недель, обычно интенсивные курсы в Коимбра включает 30 уроков в неделю.